[nwarr] Several Requests

This FORUM is ONLY for posting requests for M.A.M.E. arcade cheats. The actual cheats should be posted in the M.A.M.E. "Arcade" Cheats forum. For cheat requests a 'please' would do no harm...
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[nwarr] Several Requests

Post by kelvSYC »

While I do the next set of MLCs (it's this game, if you haven't guessed), I have a few move-related requests (I'd fill them if I weren't busy with MLCs, as usual). Once a request is filled, I'll take them off this list.

The unique thing about the game is that some moves you can change an extra byte to control the strength (eg. you can make it so that qcf+HP does an LP Anki Hou) of the move.

1. Anakaris - His Kotodama Gaeshi absorbs projectiles, however, it's less powerful than that found in Vampire Savior. First, for (air) projectiles (eg. Soul Fist), if it is absorbed in the air, it can only be performed in the air, and some properties may change.

First, the projectiles that can be absorbed in the first place: Anki Hou, Big Snow, Blizzard Sword, Chaos Flare, Hane Yaiba, Muburo Fuuji, Ouke no Sabaki, Poison Breath, Sonic Wave, Sol Smasher, and Soul Fist.

Second, if an Anki Hou is absorbed, whenever he uses the Anki Hou, it will ONLY throw that one object.

Third, a control to determine, for the (air) projectiles, whether it can be used on the ground or in the air (these two should be mutually exclusive).

2. Hsien-Ko - The items thrown out during an Anki Hou come out in a specific order. Even if you change strengths, the placeholder remains in place (eg. an MP Boulder will follow an LP sword, which can be followed up by perhaps an LP Rare Item or an LP Hatchet). Note that the Rare Item may or may not appear. Once the order is finished, it goes back to the beginning.

LP: Hatchet, Boomerang, Shuriken, Sword, Rare Item
MP or HP: Hatchet, Boomerang, Shuriken, Mallet, Sword, Boulder, Rare Item

Rare Items:
LP: Claw or Bracelet
MP or HP: Claw, Bracelet, Bonsai, Star, or Barrel

The Mallet, Boulder, Bonsai, Star, and Barrel will (re)dizzy.

If you select Hsien-Ko with a seventh or eighth color (Start or LP+MK), there is a chance that a Rare Item (of any strength) will include the Yashichi or the Akuma Statue.

3. Huitzil - Infinite Confusioner Time. An opponent hit by the Confusion cannot move (or block), but can still attack.

4. J. Talbain - Infinite Beast Cannon Followups. Talbain can follow a normal Beast Cannon once, and an ES Beast Cannon three times.

5. J. Talbain - Infinite Mirage Body Time. Talbain gets afterimages that can hit the opponent with this on.

6. Morrigan - Infinite Astral Vision Time. Morrigan will create a duplicate of herself on the other side of the opponent. Note that this move can also end if she is hit or she performs her Darkness Illusion.

7. Pyron - Select Constellation. When using the Cosmo Disruption, the length of time that you hold the buttons determines the constellation. It can be either Casseiopeia, Orion, or the Big Dipper (that's in ascending order).

8. Rikuo - Infinite Water Jail Time. The Water Jail will also dissipate if Rikuo is hit.

9. Victor - Infinite Great Geldenheim Time. During the Great Geldenheim, he gains a dash and his normal punches become throw attempts (the only way to punch is by holding back or forwards).
kelvSYC's Guide to the Cheat Engine - http://members.shaw.ca/kelvsyc/cheatguide.html

The New Move List Cheat Collection - http://mamecheat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=6469

Underscore Command - What better game is there?
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