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SOLVED Running MAME OSX (all versions) on Mavericks. Can't get cheats to appear on any version. Help needed

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:45 am
by luca9583
I've tried running various versions of Mame OSX on Mavericks which all work fine.

However, while trying to set up cheats the following problems occur:

0.116 is the only version that has the cheats option appear in the tab while Mame OSX is running, but it always says the cheat database is missing even if i'm using the correct file.

All other versions of Mame OSX, including the very last version released, crash while loading all games if cheat enable is selected in Mame OSX's preferences.

Is there a reliable combination of a Mame OSX version and it's corresponding file that will definitely work in Mavericks?

I've also read conflicting instructions in various forums on which exact .zip file should be placed in the Application Support/Mame OSX folder. Is it simply the corresponding version .zip file, eg, or a renamed version of that as or a renamed verison of that as Also should the chat.dat file also be in the directory or should it be either the .dat file or the .zip file?

Re: SOLVED Running MAME OSX (all versions) on Mavericks. Can't get cheats to appear on any version. Help needed

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:54 pm
by luca9583
SOLVED. I stupidly was looking in the wrong application support folder. It needs to be the application support folder at USER level, not top level!

I installed .0124 and used the file

The correct method is to unzip the file and then place the unzipped cheat.dat file into the MAME OSX directory. Works perfectly.