Rygar "too many snakes" bug analyzed

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Rygar "too many snakes" bug analyzed

Post by Bugfinder »

Look at all these addresses simultaneously using MAME's cheat engine: c586 - c5b6 - c5e6 - c616 - c646 - c676

These six addresses are used to store some characters condition. They are shared by snakes and the demon head as well as some other characters in other stages. For the snakes, the game alternates these addresses contents between 03 and 01. For the demon head, the game alternates the same addresses between 09 and 01.

The demon head will take the smaller address that has 00 content; if there's one snake activated, the demon head will use address c5b6. If there are five snakes, the demon head will use address c676 and if six snakes are activated, the demon head won't appear. To make the demon head appear, you must poke 00 into any of these addresses.

Code: Select all

rygar:0:C586:00:001:Force demon head take first snake's place
If there's a bug, I'm gonna find it!
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