Kyokugen-ryu... to go

This forum is for posting M.A.M.E. arcade cheats. Requests will be fulfilled here....but please keep the requests to the requests forum.
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Kyokugen-ryu... to go

Post by kelvSYC »

Here are some stage cheats for aof2:

Code: Select all

:aof2:62000000:000000:00:FF:Select Background P2
:aof2:00010000:108401:01:1F:National Park:Ryo
:aof2:00010000:108401:02:1F:The Garcia House:Robert
:aof2:00010000:108401:04:1F:Mac's Bar:Jack
:aof2:00010000:108401:05:1F:China Town:Lee
:aof2:00010000:108401:06:1F:South Town Park:King
:aof2:00010000:108401:07:1F:Boxing Gym:Micky
:aof2:00010000:108401:08:1F:Crawley's Air Field:John
:aof2:00010000:108401:09:1F:Parking Garage:Mr. Big
:aof2:00010000:108401:0A:1F:Karate Gym:Takuma
:aof2:00010000:108401:0B:1F:Fitness Club:Yuri
:aof2:00010000:108401:0C:1F:Port Town Docks:Temjin
:aof2:00010000:108401:0D:1F:Geese Tower:Geese
:aof2:00010000:108401:0E:1F:Thug Bonus Stage
:aof2:00010000:108401:0F:0F:Tree Bonus Stage
:aof2:00010000:108401:10:0F:Super Bonus Stage:It's pitch black when you are not in a bonus stage, don't know why.
kelvSYC's Guide to the Cheat Engine -

The New Move List Cheat Collection -

Underscore Command - What better game is there?
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