kof98 Team Select Corrections

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kof98 Team Select Corrections

Post by kelvSYC »

I finally found all the real names for those special teams in kof98, as well I added in the '94 Women's Team (no special ending, but as I said earlier, in 2P mode you get special music)

Code: Select all

:kof98:62000000:000000:00:FF:Free Team Select P1:Used to see team endings 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:00:3F:Japan Team:Kyo, Benimaru, Daimon 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:01:3F:Fatal Fury Team:Terry, Andy, Joe 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:02:3F:Art of Fighting Team:Ryo, Robert, Yuri 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:03:3F:Ikari Team:Leona, Ralf, Clark 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:04:3F:Psycho Soldier Team:Athena, Kensou, Chin 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:05:3F:Womens Team:Chizuru, Mai, King 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:06:3F:Korea Team:Kim, Chang, Choi 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:07:3F:New Face Team:Yashiro, Shermie, Chris 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:08:3F:Special Team:Yamazaki, Mary, Billy 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:09:3F:Iori Team:Iori, Mature, Vice 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:0A:3F:Masters Team:Heidern, Takuma, Saisyu 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:0B:3F:Sports Team:Heavy D!, Lucky, Brian 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:0C:3F:Shingo (solo) 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:0D:3F:Rugal (solo) 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:0E:3F:Custom Team 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:0F:3F:KOF All-Star Team:Kyo, Iori, Shingo 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:10:3F:Rugal Team:Mature, Rugal, Vice 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:11:3F:Sacred Force Team:Chizuru, Iori, Kyo 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:12:3F:SNK Superstar Team:Kyo, Ryo, Terry 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:13:3F:Sidekicks Team:Andy, Benimaru, Robert 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:14:3F:Headbands Team:Daimon, Joe, Yuri 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:15:3F:Teen Team:Chris, Shingo, Kensou 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:16:3F:Orochi Gals Team:Mature, Shermie, Vice 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:17:3F:Orochi Guys Team:Chris, Yamazaki, Yashiro 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:18:3F:Sakazaki Team:Ryo, Takuma, Yuri 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:19:3F:Father Team:Kim, Saisyu, Takuma 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:1A:3F:Button Masher Team:Billy, Chang, Joe 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:1B:3F:Orochi Nagi Team:Chris, Kyo, Saisyu 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:1C:3F:Kusanagi Team:Kyo, Saisyu, Shingo 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:1D:3F:Handsome Team:Chang, Chin, Choi 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:1E:3F:Kansai Team:Choi, Kensou, Robert 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:1F:3F:Damage Team:Brian, Chang, Ralf 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:20:3F:Birthday Team:King, Mature, Shingo 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:21:3F:Baseball Team:Lucky, Mary, Ralf 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:22:3F:Cap Team:Clark, Lucky, Terry 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:23:3F:New Female Team:Athena, Mai, Yuri 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:24:3F:Shingo Team:Benimaru, Daimon, Shingo 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:25:3F:New Ikari Team:Heidern, Leona, Ralf 
:kof98:00010000:10A84B:26:3F:'94 Women's Team:King, Mai, Yuri 

:kof98:62000000:000000:00:FF:Free Team Select P2:Used to see team endings 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:00:3F:Japan Team:Kyo, Benimaru, Daimon 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:01:3F:Fatal Fury Team:Terry, Andy, Joe 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:02:3F:Art of Fighting Team:Ryo, Robert, Yuri 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:03:3F:Ikari Team:Leona, Ralf, Clark 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:04:3F:Psycho Soldier Team:Athena, Kensou, Chin 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:05:3F:Womens Team:Chizuru, Mai, King 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:06:3F:Korea Team:Kim, Chang, Choi 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:07:3F:New Face Team:Yashiro, Shermie, Chris 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:08:3F:Special Team:Yamazaki, Mary, Billy 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:09:3F:Iori Team:Iori, Mature, Vice 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:0A:3F:Masters Team:Heidern, Takuma, Saisyu 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:0B:3F:Sports Team:Heavy D!, Lucky, Brian 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:0C:3F:Shingo (solo) 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:0D:3F:Rugal (solo) 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:0E:3F:Custom Team 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:0F:3F:KOF All-Star Team:Kyo, Iori, Shingo 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:10:3F:Rugal Team:Mature, Rugal, Vice 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:11:3F:Sacred Force Team:Chizuru, Iori, Kyo 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:12:3F:SNK Superstar Team:Kyo, Ryo, Terry 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:13:3F:Sidekicks Team:Andy, Benimaru, Robert 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:14:3F:Headbands Team:Daimon, Joe, Yuri 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:15:3F:Teen Team:Chris, Shingo, Kensou 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:16:3F:Orochi Gals Team:Mature, Shermie, Vice 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:17:3F:Orochi Guys Team:Chris, Yamazaki, Yashiro 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:18:3F:Sakazaki Team:Ryo, Takuma, Yuri 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:19:3F:Father Team:Kim, Saisyu, Takuma 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:1A:3F:Button Masher Team:Billy, Chang, Joe 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:1B:3F:Orochi Nagi Team:Chris, Kyo, Saisyu 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:1C:3F:Kusanagi Team:Kyo, Saisyu, Shingo 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:1D:3F:Handsome Team:Chang, Chin, Choi 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:1E:3F:Kansai Team:Choi, Kensou, Robert 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:1F:3F:Damage Team:Brian, Chang, Ralf 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:20:3F:Birthday Team:King, Mature, Shingo 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:21:3F:Baseball Team:Lucky, Mary, Ralf 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:22:3F:Cap Team:Clark, Lucky, Terry 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:23:3F:New Female Team:Athena, Mai, Yuri 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:24:3F:Shingo Team:Benimaru, Daimon, Shingo 
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:25:3F:New Ikari Team:Heidern, Leona, Ralf
:kof98:00010000:10A85C:26:3F:'94 Women's Team:King, Mai, Yuri 
Team name meanings:
Sacred Force - Kusanagi, Yagami, Yata - the three who vanquished Orochi
KOF All-Star - The three characters that exemplify KOF
Rugal - Rugal and his two secretaries
SNK Superstar - The three stars of SNK's three fighting game series in KOF
Sidekicks - Second Bananas to such superstars
Headbands - All have headbands on (and all are third-stringers to such superstars)
Teen - the age of the three guys
Orochi Gals - gals with Orochi blood
Orochi Guys - guys with Orochi blood
Sakazaki - family team
Father - all have sons
Button Masher - All have button mashing moves (more specifically, (A|C)* moves)
Orochi Nagi - All three can do the move
Kusanagi - the three practitioners of the martial art style
Handsome - the three ugliest characters in KOF
Kansai - the western Japanese accent all three speak
Damage - Showcasing their boulder-busting abilities
Birthday - same birthday (April 8)
Baseball - Baseball is favorite sport of all three
Cap - all three wear one
New Female - aka cute girls
Shingo - Shingo in place of Kyo
New Ikari - no explanation
'94 Womens - self-explanatory
kelvSYC's Guide to the Cheat Engine - http://members.shaw.ca/kelvsyc/cheatguide.html

The New Move List Cheat Collection - http://mamecheat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=6469

Underscore Command - What better game is there?