[mosyougi] Board Cheats

This forum is for posting M.A.M.E. arcade cheats. Requests will be fulfilled here....but please keep the requests to the requests forum.
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Posts: 1121
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2001 1:00 am
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada

[mosyougi] Board Cheats

Post by kelvSYC »

The following cheats will allow you to set up board positions, real or fictional, or even create black holes in which pieces will simply disappear.

Just a quick briefing on what Shogi is.

Shogi is the game of Japanese chess played on a 9x9 board, labeled 1 to 9 in Arabic numerals from right to left and with 1 to 9 in Kanji from top down. Each side will start with 20 pieces in the three rows closest to them, marking their zone.

The pieces are as follows:

Pawn - called "Fu-Hyo" or just "Fu". They move one space forward. Unlike orthodox chess, they capture in the same manner as moving. You start with nine of them lined up in the third row.

Lance - called "Kyou-Sha" or just "Kyou". They move as many spaces forward as you want. You start with two of them, starting in the corners.

Knight - called "Kei-Ma" or just "Kei". They move similar to an orthodox chess knight except that their first step must be forward. They start next to the lances.

Silver - called "Gin-Sho" or just "Gin". They move one space diagonally or one space forward. These start next to the knights.

Gold - called "Kin-Sho" or just "Kin". They move one space orthagonally or one space diagonally forward. These start next to the silvers.

Rook - called "Hi-Sha" or just "Hi". They are orthodox chess rooks. Each side starts with one in front of the right knight.

Bishop - called "Kaku-Gyo" or just "Kaku". They are orthodox chess bishops. Each side starts with one in front of the left knight.

King - called "Ou-sho" or just "Ou". They move exactly like the orthodox chess king, and like an orthodox chess king, it's the object of the game.

If any piece (except the king and golds) enters the enemy zone, they have the option to promote (or in the case of pawns, lances, and knights, if they reach the end of the board they must). Silvers, knights, and lances simply add a "Nari" to their name ("Nari-Gin", "Nari-Kei", and "Nari-Kyou"). These and promoted pawns ("Tokin") are identical to gold generals.

When rooks promote, they become "Ryuu-Ou" (or just "Ryuu"), in which they gain the ability to move one square diagonally. Bishops become "Ryuu-Ma" (or just "Ma"), in which they gain the ability to move one square horizontally.

Finally, there is the rule of dropping. Whenever a piece is captured, the captor may use their turn of redeploy a captured unit. Dropped units are always in their unpromoted state, and you can't do a "drop-and-promote". There are also three other restrictions related to dropping:

1. One pawn to a file.
2. No pawn drops to checkmate (any other piece is legal).
3. Pawns and lances cannot be dropped in the back row, nor knights in the back two. This is because they will be left without a legal move.

With these rules, draws are near impossible. Perpetual check results in a loss for the checker, and the only other way to tie the game is if both kings make it to the enemy zone with little to no real chance of forcing checkmate.

With these cheats, you can customize your board (although I haven't found the cheats that control the reserve).

How this works is that each square on the board (I'll number them as the game does, ie. from top right to bottom left, simply because I have no better ways) is one byte. In each byte the first hex digit controls ownership and the second hex digit controls the actual piece.

As I seem to be running out of posting space, I'll post the cheats themselves in my next post.
Last edited by kelvSYC on Fri Dec 06, 2002 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
kelvSYC's Guide to the Cheat Engine - http://members.shaw.ca/kelvsyc/cheatguide.html

The New Move List Cheat Collection - http://mamecheat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=6469

Underscore Command - What better game is there?
Posts: 1121
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2001 1:00 am
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada

Post by kelvSYC »

Here's the first row. Additional rows can be found by adding 0x10 to the address.

Remember, column 9 is on the LEFT.

Code: Select all

:mosyougi:62000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Select Contents of (1,9)
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000041:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000042:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000043:000000FF:Kei-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000044:000000FF:Gin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000045:000000FF:Kin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000046:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000047:000000FF:Hi-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000048:000000FF:Tokin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000049:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:0000004A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:0000004B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:0000004D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:0000004E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:0000004F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000081:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000082:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000083:000000FF:Kei-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000084:000000FF:Gin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000085:000000FF:Kin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000086:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000087:000000FF:Hi-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000088:000000FF:Tokin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:00000089:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:0000008A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:0000008B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:0000008D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:0000008E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B824:0000008F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P2
:mosyougi:62000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Select Contents of (1,8)
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000041:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000042:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000043:000000FF:Kei-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000044:000000FF:Gin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000045:000000FF:Kin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000046:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000047:000000FF:Hi-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000048:000000FF:Tokin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000049:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:0000004A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:0000004B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:0000004D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:0000004E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:0000004F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000081:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000082:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000083:000000FF:Kei-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000084:000000FF:Gin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000085:000000FF:Kin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000086:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000087:000000FF:Hi-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000088:000000FF:Tokin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:00000089:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:0000008A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:0000008B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:0000008D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:0000008E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B825:0000008F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P2
:mosyougi:62000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Select Contents of (1,7)
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000041:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000042:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000043:000000FF:Kei-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000044:000000FF:Gin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000045:000000FF:Kin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000046:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000047:000000FF:Hi-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000048:000000FF:Tokin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000049:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:0000004A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:0000004B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:0000004D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:0000004E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:0000004F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000081:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000082:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000083:000000FF:Kei-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000084:000000FF:Gin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000085:000000FF:Kin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000086:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000087:000000FF:Hi-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000088:000000FF:Tokin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:00000089:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:0000008A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:0000008B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:0000008D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:0000008E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B826:0000008F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P2
:mosyougi:62000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Select Contents of (1,6)
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000041:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000042:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000043:000000FF:Kei-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000044:000000FF:Gin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000045:000000FF:Kin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000046:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000047:000000FF:Hi-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000048:000000FF:Tokin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000049:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:0000004A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:0000004B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:0000004D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:0000004E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:0000004F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000081:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000082:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000083:000000FF:Kei-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000084:000000FF:Gin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000085:000000FF:Kin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000086:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000087:000000FF:Hi-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000088:000000FF:Tokin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:00000089:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:0000008A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:0000008B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:0000008D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:0000008E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B827:0000008F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P2
:mosyougi:62000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Select Contents of (1,5)
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000041:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000042:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000043:000000FF:Kei-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000044:000000FF:Gin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000045:000000FF:Kin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000046:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000047:000000FF:Hi-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000048:000000FF:Tokin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000049:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:0000004A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:0000004B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:0000004D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:0000004E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:0000004F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000081:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000082:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000083:000000FF:Kei-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000084:000000FF:Gin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000085:000000FF:Kin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000086:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000087:000000FF:Hi-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000088:000000FF:Tokin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:00000089:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:0000008A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:0000008B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:0000008D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:0000008E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B828:0000008F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P2
:mosyougi:62000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Select Contents of (1,4)
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000041:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000042:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000043:000000FF:Kei-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000044:000000FF:Gin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000045:000000FF:Kin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000046:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000047:000000FF:Hi-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000048:000000FF:Tokin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000049:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:0000004A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:0000004B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:0000004D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:0000004E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:0000004F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000081:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000082:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000083:000000FF:Kei-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000084:000000FF:Gin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000085:000000FF:Kin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000086:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000087:000000FF:Hi-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000088:000000FF:Tokin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:00000089:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:0000008A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:0000008B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:0000008D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:0000008E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B829:0000008F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P2
:mosyougi:62000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Select Contents of (1,3)
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000041:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000042:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000043:000000FF:Kei-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000044:000000FF:Gin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000045:000000FF:Kin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000046:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000047:000000FF:Hi-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000048:000000FF:Tokin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000049:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:0000004A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:0000004B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:0000004D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:0000004E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:0000004F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000081:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000082:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000083:000000FF:Kei-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000084:000000FF:Gin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000085:000000FF:Kin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000086:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000087:000000FF:Hi-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000088:000000FF:Tokin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:00000089:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:0000008A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:0000008B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:0000008D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:0000008E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82A:0000008F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P2
:mosyougi:62000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Select Contents of (1,2)
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000041:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000042:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000043:000000FF:Kei-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000044:000000FF:Gin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000045:000000FF:Kin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000046:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000047:000000FF:Hi-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000048:000000FF:Tokin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000049:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:0000004A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:0000004B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:0000004D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:0000004E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:0000004F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000081:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000082:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000083:000000FF:Kei-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000084:000000FF:Gin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000085:000000FF:Kin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000086:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000087:000000FF:Hi-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000088:000000FF:Tokin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:00000089:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:0000008A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:0000008B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:0000008D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:0000008E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82B:0000008F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P2
:mosyougi:62000000:000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Select Contents of (1,1)
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000041:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000042:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000043:000000FF:Kei-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000044:000000FF:Gin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000045:000000FF:Kin-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000046:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000047:000000FF:Hi-Sha P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000048:000000FF:Tokin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000049:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:0000004A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:0000004B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:0000004D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:0000004E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:0000004F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P1
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000081:000000FF:Fu-Hyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000082:000000FF:Kyou-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000083:000000FF:Kei-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000084:000000FF:Gin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000085:000000FF:Kin-Sho P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000086:000000FF:Kaku-Gyo P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000087:000000FF:Hi-Sha P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000088:000000FF:Tokin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:00000089:000000FF:Nari-Kyou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:0000008A:000000FF:Nari-Kei P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:0000008B:000000FF:Nari-Gin P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:0000008D:000000FF:Ryuu-Ma P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:0000008E:000000FF:Ryuu-Ou P2
:mosyougi:00010000:10B82C:0000008F:000000FF:Ou-Sho P2
Last edited by kelvSYC on Fri Dec 06, 2002 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ianpatt »

...and I start thinking about whether it would be possible to implement "user select addresses" in a nice general case way...
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Post by kelvSYC »

/me don't understand...
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Post by ianpatt »

"User select addresses" would be useful for games like this, where they store the board at addresses that can be described like: baseAddress + x + (y * width). I would probably have to implement a virtual machine to do the calculations needed.

If something like that were implemented, you would just need one cheat to cover the entire board. On activation, a dialog would pop up (which could ideally be customized completely for each cheat) asking for coordinates, which the true cheat address would be calculated from.

Of course this would be lots of work, and probably wouldn't be worth the effort in the long run, but it seems like it would be fun to implement. And that's what it's all about, anyway. (and making cheat.c the largest file in the MAME source :P)
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Post by kelvSYC »

Other notes for Hasami Shogi mode:

These board cheats also work for Hasami Shogi mode as well.

Just a quick intro to what Hasami Shogi is:

Hasami Shogi is not really a chess game, but closer to a Go game. There are actually two versions of Hasami Shogi: a war game and a game of position. In mosyougi, the former rules apply.

Each start with nine pieces, arranged on the back row. In this game, pieces for P1 are represented by Fu-Hyo, while P2's pieces are Tokin.

Each piece has a rook's move in chess. To capture, Hasami Shogi uses the custodian, or "capture sandwich", method of capture, meaning that two pieces must be on opposite sides of a piece to capture it. However, you do not lose a piece from walking into a capture position. You can also capture in a corner by having pieces in the two adjacent squares.

The object of a game is to take out eight of the opponent's pieces, rendering the opponent unable to win. In this game, your game settings allow you to set the number of pieces needed to win (anywhere from five to eight).

For these cheats, remember: P1 Fu, P2 Tokin.
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Post by kelvSYC »

Oh, so a cheat could be like this then?


where address is the base address, height the height of the board, width the width of the board, and each linked cheat will denote what can be on the board.

This would be useful for board games and puzzle games. However, in this case, there is still one problem:

In most games (ataxx is the only exception that I can think of off the top of my head), there is some space between the actual width of the board and the distance between adjacent rows (eg. in mosyougi, there are only 9 columns but each square in a row is 0x10 from the same square in the next row). How is that addressed?
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Post by stephh »

kelvSYC wrote: Oh, so a cheat could be like this then?


where address is the base address, height the height of the board, width the width of the board, and each linked cheat will denote what can be on the board.

This would be useful for board games and puzzle games. However, in this case, there is still one problem:

In most games (ataxx is the only exception that I can think of off the top of my head), there is some space between the actual width of the board and the distance between adjacent rows (eg. in mosyougi, there are only 9 columns but each square in a row is 0x10 from the same square in the next row). How is that addressed?
I think we could use something similar to what we've done for watches ...

:gamename:6(something):(address):(real height/width):(calc height/width):(name)

"Height" would be coded on the 4 upper bits and "Width" would be coded on the 4 lower bits ...

So for a 9x9 square, you would code it as 0x00090009 ...

"Real" defines the size of the board and "Calc" is the one to determine the offsets ...

So, in your game (if I made it right), you would have 0x00100001 ...

This means that you have to add 0x0001 to each column and add 0x0010 for each line : offset = base + line * "Calc Height" + column * "Calc Width" - 1 ...

If you leave the "Calc" field to 0x00000000 this would imply "Calc Width" = 1 and "Calc Height" = "Real Height" (perfect rectangle without holes) ...

I hope that you understood what I meant ...

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Post by kelvSYC »

That would actually be a good idea... would work for me.

Now, this goes in my want list with multipart list cheats and cheat-ifs...
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Post by ianpatt »

I was thinking of a truely general case implementation, where you could actually specify a tiny program which would calculate the address. Thinking about it even more, this could be used for lots of stuff. Essentially you get completely custom cheats "for free."


and now to go design a virtual machine... I'll post something in the cheat engine help board once I have preliminary design docs done.
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