0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

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0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by Pugsy »

Up-to-date again, I meant to release this when MAME 0.154 came out but I got sidetracked...better late than never.

Find it here:-


or from the link in my signature

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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by Pugsy »

I forgot to add Abystus's cornucopia of MK2 cheats...added now - so if you've grabbed the cheat0154.zip in the last few hours you might want to regrab it if you want the mk2 cheats.

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MAME 0.264 XML cheat collection (3 APRIL 2024) from http://www.mamecheat.co.uk or direct from:-
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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by pmc »

0.154 fixed: http://f.ppxclub.com/612160-1-1
Is it necessary to add these cheats codes to the official file?
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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by Pugsy »

pmc wrote:0.154 fixed: http://f.ppxclub.com/612160-1-1
Is it necessary to add these cheats codes to the official file?
No idea, I can't download the file unless I have an account and I can't register.

Servicing your cheating needs since 1985 8)

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MAME 0.264 XML cheat collection (3 APRIL 2024) from http://www.mamecheat.co.uk or direct from:-
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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by pmc »

donwload http://www.speedyshare.com/PwUCD/cheat0154-fix.zip

39 games bugfixed
aerfboo2 airattck airattcka blandiap coolmini demndrgn karnov karnovj
mvsc mvsca mvscar1 mvscb mvsch mvscj mvscjr1 mvscr1 mvscu mvscud mvscur1
nastar nastarw rastsag2 samsho4 samsho4k
sfiii2 sfiii2j sfiii2n sfiii3 sfiii3n sfiii3nr1 sfiii3r1 sfiii3u sfiii3ur1
ssmissin tdragon tdragon1 tdragonb vsav2 vsav2d

13 games added:

dmnfrnt dmnfrnta dmnfrntb dmnfrntpcb ironclad ironclado
olds103t svg svgpcb theglad theglad100 theglad101 thegladpcb
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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by Pugsy »

Thanks, for the file.

Just checked dmnfrnt + clones and the changes are minor, changed a few cheat descriptions - that make little difference. They've also made some cheats smaller by changing them from byte write to word writes - this will have no effect at all. Nothing new added at all in that game. Hopefully, the others will be more worthwhile..

As an example:

Original cheat in dmnfrnt:

Code: Select all

  <cheat desc="Select Weapon PL1">
      <item value="0x01">Pistol 0</item>
      <item value="0x02">Pistol 1</item>
      <item value="0x03">Pistol 2</item>
      <item value="0x04">Pistol 3</item>
      <item value="0x05">Gatling Gun</item>
      <item value="0x06">Wave Gun</item>
      <item value="0x07">Freeze Gun</item>
      <item value="0x08">Grenade Gun</item>
      <item value="0x09">Lightning Gun</item>
    <script state="run">
      <action condition="(param==01)">prot.pb@18012BBC=00</action>
      <action condition="(param==01)">prot.pb@18012BBD=00</action>
      <action condition="(param==01)">prot.pb@18012BC0=08</action>
      <action condition="(param==02)">prot.pb@18012BBC=00</action>
      <action condition="(param==02)">prot.pb@18012BBD=01</action>
      <action condition="(param==02)">prot.pb@18012BC0=08</action>
      <action condition="(param==03)">prot.pb@18012BBC=00</action>
      <action condition="(param==03)">prot.pb@18012BBD=02</action>
      <action condition="(param==03)">prot.pb@18012BC0=08</action>
      <action condition="(param==04)">prot.pb@18012BBC=00</action>
      <action condition="(param==04)">prot.pb@18012BBD=03</action>
      <action condition="(param==04)">prot.pb@18012BC0=08</action>
      <action condition="(param==05)">prot.pb@18012BBC=01</action>
      <action condition="(param==05)">prot.pb@18012BBD=00</action>
      <action condition="(param==05)">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>
      <action condition="(param==06)">prot.pb@18012BBC=02</action>
      <action condition="(param==06)">prot.pb@18012BBD=01</action>
      <action condition="(param==06)">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>
      <action condition="(param==07)">prot.pb@18012BBC=03</action>
      <action condition="(param==07)">prot.pb@18012BBD=02</action>
      <action condition="(param==07)">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>
      <action condition="(param==08)">prot.pb@18012BBC=04</action>
      <action condition="(param==08)">prot.pb@18012BBD=03</action>
      <action condition="(param==08)">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>
      <action condition="(param==09)">prot.pb@18012BBC=05</action>
      <action condition="(param==09)">prot.pb@18012BBD=04</action>
      <action condition="(param==09)">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>

"updated" cheat:

Code: Select all

	<cheat desc="Select Weapon PL1">
			<item value="0x01">Pistol 0</item>
			<item value="0x02">Pistol 1</item>
			<item value="0x03">Pistol 2</item>
			<item value="0x04">Pistol 3</item>
			<item value="0x05">Machine Gun</item>
			<item value="0x06">Wave Gun</item>
			<item value="0x07">Frozen Gun</item>
			<item value="0x08">Grenade Gun</item>
			<item value="0x09">Lightning Gun</item>
		<script state="run">
			<action condition="(param==01)">prot.pw@18012BBC=0000</action>
			<action condition="(param==01)">prot.pb@18012BC0=08</action>
			<action condition="(param==02)">prot.pw@18012BBC=0100</action>
			<action condition="(param==02)">prot.pb@18012BC0=08</action>
			<action condition="(param==03)">prot.pw@18012BBC=0200</action>
			<action condition="(param==03)">prot.pb@18012BC0=08</action>
			<action condition="(param==04)">prot.pw@18012BBC=0300</action>
			<action condition="(param==04)">prot.pb@18012BC0=08</action>
			<action condition="(param==05)">prot.pw@18012BBC=0001</action>
			<action condition="(param==05)">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>
			<action condition="(param==06)">prot.pw@18012BBC=0102</action>
			<action condition="(param==06)">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>
			<action condition="(param==07)">prot.pw@18012BBC=0203</action>
			<action condition="(param==07)">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>
			<action condition="(param==08)">prot.pw@18012BBC=0304</action>
			<action condition="(param==08)">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>
			<action condition="(param==09)">prot.pw@18012BBC=0405</action>
			<action condition="(param==09)">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>
I try to make cheats smaller when I can, but really changing byte to word cheats for that one is stopping when the job is half done. It can be downsized a lot more, like so:

Code: Select all

  <cheat desc="Select Weapon PL1">
      <item value="0x0000">Pistol 0</item>
      <item value="0x0100">Pistol 1</item>
      <item value="0x0200">Pistol 2</item>
      <item value="0x0300">Pistol 3</item>
      <item value="0x0001">Gatling Gun</item>
      <item value="0x0102">Wave Gun</item>
      <item value="0x0203">Freeze Gun</item>
      <item value="0x0304">Grenade Gun</item>
      <item value="0x0405">Lightning Gun</item>
    <script state="run">
      <action condition="(param BAND 0xFF) GT 00">prot.pb@18012BC0=94</action>

Servicing your cheating needs since 1985 8)

Grab the latest cheat collection:
MAME 0.264 XML cheat collection (3 APRIL 2024) from http://www.mamecheat.co.uk or direct from:-
https://mega.nz/file/SxsQUJoT#jBdz6GLm_ ... QzFGSMms2c (ZIP Archive 3.8 MB)
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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by Pugsy »

ironclad+o, olds103t + the others in the second list look more promising for missing cheats.

EDIT: The bugfixed cheats looks very useful, thanks

Servicing your cheating needs since 1985 8)

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MAME 0.264 XML cheat collection (3 APRIL 2024) from http://www.mamecheat.co.uk or direct from:-
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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by Pugsy »

Ok, I've fixed all the games listed in the first list:

aerfboo2 airattck airattcka blandiap coolmini demndrgn karnov karnovj
mvsc mvsca mvscar1 mvscb mvsch mvscj mvscjr1 mvscr1 mvscu mvscud mvscur1
nastar nastarw rastsag2 samsho4 samsho4k
sfiii2 sfiii2j sfiii2n sfiii3 sfiii3n sfiii3nr1 sfiii3r1 sfiii3u sfiii3ur1
ssmissin tdragon tdragon1 tdragonb vsav2 vsav2d

All valid bugs, though a lot of the original bugfixes weren't really valid. All fixed properly now (in next release)

I'll continue with the second list over the weekend.
Thanks, again.

Servicing your cheating needs since 1985 8)

Grab the latest cheat collection:
MAME 0.264 XML cheat collection (3 APRIL 2024) from http://www.mamecheat.co.uk or direct from:-
https://mega.nz/file/SxsQUJoT#jBdz6GLm_ ... QzFGSMms2c (ZIP Archive 3.8 MB)
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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by pmc »

good news!
Thank you :)
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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by syndromtr »

it seems for sf2 & sf2ce (maybe all other clones-hacks), select starting stage cheat does not work.. i examined a bit and it seems problem is in 1st line (FF89CD write). after cursor is moved and a player is selected (fire pressed), its value mostly stays 00 even cheat's structure is ok. (when a player is selected code resets ff89cd and i think cheat cannot update its value, it's read as 00 and cannot start from stage X.)

ff89cd example: PL1 is Ken, stage 1(default) should be Brazil (00), stage 3(checked with manual cheat) should be Japan (E.Honda) (02)
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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by Pugsy »

syndromtr wrote:it seems for sf2 & sf2ce (maybe all other clones-hacks), select starting stage cheat does not work.. i examined a bit and it seems problem is in 1st line (FF89CD write). after cursor is moved and a player is selected (fire pressed), its value mostly stays 00 even cheat's structure is ok. (when a player is selected code resets ff89cd and i think cheat cannot update its value, it's read as 00 and cannot start from stage X.)

ff89cd example: PL1 is Ken, stage 1(default) should be Brazil (00), stage 3(checked with manual cheat) should be Japan (E.Honda) (02)
Odd, seems to work ok on the car and barrel bonus levels though not the others that I tried. I'll add "maincpu.pw@FF89F9==param" to the condition testing for ff89cd poke. Thanks for the report.

Code: Select all

    <script state="run">
      <action condition="maincpu.pw@FF89F9==0000 OR maincpu.pw@FF89F9==param">maincpu.pb@FF89CD=param/100</action>
      <action condition="maincpu.pw@FF89F9==0000">maincpu.pw@FF89F9=param</action>
      <action condition="param GT 0802">maincpu.pb@FF89F4=01</action>
UPDATE: Updated 64 games with this method, some identical clones others not. Old cheat didn't work properly and the new method seems more reliable - whether it's perfect is another matter.

Servicing your cheating needs since 1985 8)

Grab the latest cheat collection:
MAME 0.264 XML cheat collection (3 APRIL 2024) from http://www.mamecheat.co.uk or direct from:-
https://mega.nz/file/SxsQUJoT#jBdz6GLm_ ... QzFGSMms2c (ZIP Archive 3.8 MB)
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Re: 0.154 XML Cheat Collection is OUT!

Post by syndromtr »

yes it seemed to work when a bonus stage is selected, game automatically jumps to bonus stage, but due to ff89cd setup bug, after bonus stage,first stage starts. example for sf2:

on cheat menu, bonus(car) selected, directly jumps there. after car is destroyed, stage 1 again (brazil-blanka)
correct behaviour should be, after car is destroyed, must go on from 4th stage (first 3 stages should be bypassed)

EDIT: checked sf2 with fixed xml and it seems it's working now, all stages, after bonus stage etc everything seems ok.