[smsj/bombraid] Bomber Raid

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[smsj/bombraid] Bomber Raid

Post by jman »

Code: Select all

<cheat desc="no hit - player (wip)">
    <script state="on">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@4ee1 = c9</action> <!-- enemy -->
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@4ec0 = c9</action> <!-- bullet -->
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@5766 = c9</action> <!-- boss -->
    <script state="off">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@4ee1 = 3a</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@4ec0 = c0</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@5766 = c0</action>

<cheat desc="no hit - sidefighter (wip)">
    <script state="on">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@5145 = c9</action> <!-- enemy -->
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@5120 = c9</action> <!-- bullet -->
    <script state="off">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@5145 = c8</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@5120 = d0</action>

<cheat desc="auto fire (wip)">
    <script state="on">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@2fca = 0d</action>
    <script state="off">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@2fca = 5b</action>

<cheat desc="player speed (wip)">
    <parameter min="0x01" max="0x05" step="0x01" />
    <script state="on">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mw@2ccb =             7600</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7600 = 77dd7616cd097edd</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7608 = dd7616cd0b7edd09</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7610 = c8a7c9341bcd0b77</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7618 = ffffc944edf0003e</action>
        7600 | dd 7e 09 : ld   a,(ix+$09)
        7603 | cd 16 76 : call $7616
        7606 | dd 77 09 : ld   (ix+$09),a
        7609 | dd 7e 0b : ld   a,(ix+$0b)
        760c | cd 16 76 : call $7616
        760f | dd 77 0b : ld   (ix+$0b),a
        7612 | cd 1b 34 : call $341b
        7615 | c9       : ret
        7616 | a7       : and  a
        7617 | c8       : ret  z
        7618 | 3e xx    : ld   a,$xx
        761a | f0       : ret  p
        761b | ed 44    : neg
        761d | c9       : ret
    <script state="change">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@7619 = param</action>
    <script state="off">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mw@2ccb =             341b</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7600 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7608 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7610 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7618 = ffffffffffffffff</action>

<cheat desc="bullet speed (wip)">
        <item value="0x06">01 (slow)</item>
        <item value="0x0c">02       </item>
        <item value="0x12">03       </item>
        <item value="0x18">04       </item>
        <item value="0x1e">05 (fast)</item>
    <script state="on">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mw@3105 =             7620</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7620 = c9341bcd000b36dd</action>
        7620 | DD 36 0B xx : ld   (ix+$0b),$xx
        7624 | CD 1B 34    : call $341B
        7627 | C9          : ret
    <script state="change">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mb@7623 = -param</action>
    <script state="off">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mw@3105 =             341b</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7620 = ffffffffffffffff</action>

<cheat desc="sound test mode (wip)">
    <comment>reset the game (F3) to enter sound test mode</comment>
    <script state="on">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mw@05d0 =             7630</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7630 = 22d5763311800021</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7638 = fec86fbddcdbc100</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7640 = 0120f7fe250120fb</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7648 = 04187c0320effe24</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7650 = c9d00332afc0dffe</action>
        7630 | 21 00 80 : ld   hl,$8000   // initialize sound and input values
        7633 | 11 33 76 : ld   de,$7633
        7636 | d5       : push de
        7637 | 22 00 c1 : ld   ($c100),hl
        763a | db dc    : in   a,($dc)    // read input
        763c | bd       : cp   l
        763d | 6f       : ld   l,a
        763e | c8       : ret  z
        763f | fe fb    : cp   $fb
        7641 | 20 01    : jr   nz,$7644
        7643 | 25       : dec  h          // pressed left - code decrement
        7644 | fe f7    : cp   $f7
        7646 | 20 01    : jr   nz,$7649
        7648 | 24       : inc  h          // pressed right - code increment
        7649 | fe ef    : cp   $ef
        764b | 20 03    : jr   nz,$7650
        764d | 7c       : ld   a,h        // pressed button 1 - play sound
        764e | 18 04    : jr   $7654
        7650 | fe df    : cp   $df
        7652 | c0       : ret  nz
        7653 | af       : xor  a          // pressed button 2 - stop sound
        7654 | 32 03 d0 : ld   ($d003),a  // send sound code
        7657 | c9       : ret
    <script state="run">
        <output format="----- bomber raid sound test mode -----" line="10" align="center" />
        <output format="left : code decrement"                   line="11" align="center" />
        <output format="right : code increment"                  line="12" align="center" />
        <output format="button 1 : play sound"                   line="13" align="center" />
        <output format="button 2 : stop sound"                   line="14" align="center" />
        <output format="----------------------------"            line="15" align="center" />
        <output format="&lt;&lt; sound code %2.2X &gt;&gt;"      line="17" align="center">
    <script state="off">
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mw@05d0 =             17f8</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7630 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7638 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7640 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7648 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>slot:cart:rom.mq@7650 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
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