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Can you search for more than two bytes?

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:11 pm
by Lurendrejer
I just found myself a new "pattern" to look into in my quest to break wwfmania. Which might be ending shortly, it feels more like work than fun atm.

All fights in the roster/ladder use different memory locations to set apponents. If i enable 3 apponents in the first match, and set them to Doink (02). I'm actually setting this:


aka: 02 01 02 02

To be able to search for this string would make it possible to find the apponents for each step of the ladder by doing one search. But if i do a cn eq, 02010202 it just turns out blank.

And please don't tell me how lame it is to set apponents in this manner. I fell and broke my brain when i found out myself. I'm guessing if this were to go into a cheatfile, you could might as well just set it for alle the matches. But i still need to find them.

Another neat thing would be to set/freeze more memory at once. But using "help" i found nothing on maincpu.pb - Can you do a maincpu.pb@00000000=00,02,04,06 kinda thing?
I hope i explained myself clearly - if not, please don't hessitate to poke fun at me.

Re: Can you search for more than two bytes?

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:35 pm
by Lurendrejer
I guess I found out - you can search the memory "outside" the cheat-engine.

sry for buggering...

Re: Can you search for more than two bytes?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:28 am
by NotAGoodName
You can use b,w,d,q for setting multiple bytes.


Two quads is a full line.

I think there's a variable for ci that allows multiple byte searches but I never bothered.

Re: Can you search for more than two bytes?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:07 am
by Lurendrejer
Thank you very much. But i didn't really think this all the way through. I would need a pw=param1 param2 param3 kinda deal to make it usable.

Another thing, is it possible to make submenus in the XML format? My cheatlist for WWFmania is getting stupidly long. Mostly things for my own amusement that will never make the final cut.

menus such as:

- would be great.

Re: Can you search for more than two bytes?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:02 pm
by NotAGoodName
Nah. You just separate it like with <cheat desc=" "/> or something similar. I can sympathize with wanting something to shrink the list. Making cheats for multi-games or consoles (in MAME Plus!) quickly becomes very daunting because there's no way to hide cheats you don't need.