kof98 "Beaten Opponent" Chart

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kof98 "Beaten Opponent" Chart

Post by kelvSYC »

kof97 was the first KOF to introduce the "six teams to the boss" that is more or less standard in KOF. The process proved to be difficult to find for KOF97, though.

As for KOF98, here they are. A couple of notes:

Turning on any six of the cheats (at least five of which are 97 teams and Shingo not counting as the sixth) will allow you to fight Rugal. A surprise considering that your first five matches are against 97 teams and the sixth against one of the three remaining teams. Activating those cheats between starting and the character select screen (ie. on the "How to Play" screen) will give you the music that you normally get when the game announces your next opponent is Rugal.

Likewise, turning on any five of the cheats for 97 Teams will allow you to fight the sixth team before facing Rugal (either the Iori, Masters, or Sports teams), and turning on any four of the cheats for 97 teams will allow you to fight the fifth team, and so on. Apparently the game only checks how many of the 97 teams you have defeated and assigns the next stage (eg. if four bits are set, then it knows it's the fifth stage and thus you face a 97 team). Thus, if you set it to a different number of bits, your next opponent may change (eg. if you leave the five bits set while not allowing another bit to be set, your next opponent will still be a 97 team since the game will try and set a sixth bit but the always-on cheats would only allow five to be set, and so you would be facing your "fifth" opponent and thus, a 97 team). Thus, the only way they know that you are facing Rugal next is if at least five bits for 97 teams are set (thus you are fighting one of the other three teams) and normally the sixth team would be a special team, and so one of those three would be set after the match is done.

Also, apparently the number of set bits is checked before setting the bit corresponding to the last team beaten, and hence you can't skip from the fourth match straight to Rugal by setting one "new" team bits during your fourth match.

Note that you can't start your play fighting Shingo. At present time, there is no cheat that will allow you to fight Shingo every time (although preventing Shingo fights can be done by setting the "Beaten Shingo" bit).

I believe you will not face EX characters or random teams.

Code: Select all

:kof98:00000001:10A799:01:01:Defeated Japan Team
:kof98:00000001:10A799:02:02:Defeated Fatal Fury Team
:kof98:00000001:10A799:04:04:Defeated Art of Fighting Team
:kof98:00000001:10A799:08:08:Defeated Ikari Team
:kof98:00000001:10A799:10:10:Defeated Psycho Soldier Team
:kof98:00000001:10A799:20:20:Defeated Womens Team
:kof98:00000001:10A799:40:40:Defeated Korea Team
:kof98:00000001:10A799:80:80:Defeated New Face Team
:kof98:00000001:10A798:01:01:Defeated Special Team
:kof98:00000001:10A798:02:02:Defeated Iori Team
:kof98:00000001:10A798:04:04:Defeated Masters Team
:kof98:00000001:10A798:08:08:Defeated Sports Team
:kof98:00000001:10A798:10:10:Defeated Shingo
As with previous KOFs, you can't start your game having beaten the final boss (no "go straight to ending" cheats).

A couple of observations about kof98 that may be helpful to finding more cheats in the future:

- When I selected the AOF team to play with, I drew the same six teams three times (Womens, PS, Korea, FF, CYS, and Iori, in that order) before facing Rugal. When testing the newfound cheats, I noticed that when I started the game going straight to Rugal, the portraits of the same six teams (in the same order) showed up, then proceeded to the normal Omega Rugal sequence. I'm beginning to think that first, all six teams are fixed when your team is selected, and second, certain combinations of characters will yield certain combinations of opposing teams.
kelvSYC's Guide to the Cheat Engine - http://members.shaw.ca/kelvsyc/cheatguide.html

The New Move List Cheat Collection - http://mamecheat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=6469

Underscore Command - What better game is there?