kof2001 beaten opponent chart

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kof2001 beaten opponent chart

Post by kelvSYC »

kof2001 is a completely different monster (similar to that of kof97). First, which teams you have beaten are apparently not recorded (although how you avoid fighting the same team twice is beyond me), although which stages you have been are.

However you run into another problem: the stage number you are at still doesn't change. For example, you set all seven bits for the regular stages. However, you do not fight Zero or Igniz, you fight your first-stage opponents, chosen at random, and because you can't fight on Zero's or Igniz's stage, and you have already "fought" in all seven regular stages, the game locks up (although I must note that if you set less than all seven of the stages up, AND you leave the cheat on, the stages that you will fight in are chosen from the remaining of the seven stages whose bits are cleared). So we don't have the right cheat. But here it is anyways:

Code: Select all

;These cheats force the computer to pick a random stage out of the bits that are CLEARED in 1P mode
:kof2001:00000000:10E27F:01:01:Never fight in Japan Stage
:kof2001:00000000:10E27F:02:02:Never fight in Italy Stage
:kof2001:00000000:10E27F:04:04:Never fight in Mexico Stage
:kof2001:00000000:10E27F:08:08:Never fight in USA Stage
:kof2001:00000000:10E27F:10:10:Never fight in China Stage
:kof2001:00000000:10E27F:20:20:Never fight in Korea Stage
:kof2001:00000000:10E27F:40:40:Never fight in Brazil Stage
As an example above, using the cheats above you enable 7 of the cheats while you make sure that the eighth is never set. All your matches prior to fighting Zero will be in that stage (although it's a bit cruder than the background selection cheat). If you enable six of the cheats while you make sure that neither of the other two bits are set, all your matches prior to Zero will be on either one of the two stages with the bits cleared, picked at random.

OK, so it's back to the drawing board. Now we have what we are looking for. It seems that the basic concept is still there...

Now I'm not too sure about the specifics, but to the extent that I know of, enabling any six bits in the address gets you to fight Zero, any seven to fight Igniz (and I suppose n number of bits to go to stage n), but I may be wrong. Just to be safe, I'll make a list cheat that details how the game naturally determines its stage.

Code: Select all

:kof2001:62000000:000000:00:FF:Select Current Stage
:kof2001:00010001:10A799:00:FF:Stage 1
:kof2001:00010001:10A799:01:FF:Stage 2
:kof2001:00010001:10A799:03:FF:Stage 3
:kof2001:00010001:10A799:07:FF:Stage 4
:kof2001:00010001:10A799:0F:FF:Stage 5
:kof2001:00010001:10A799:1F:FF:Stage 6
:kof2001:00010001:10A799:3F:FF:Vs. Zero
:kof2001:00010001:10A799:7F:FF:Vs. Igniz
How this works is that if between matches (ie. BEFORE the team order select screen shows up), using this cheat will determine your next stage. During the fight, using this cheat will determine your current stage. Thus, between matches, the last cheat will make you face Igniz next, while during the fight, activating the last cheat will make you see the ending after winning the match.
kelvSYC's Guide to the Cheat Engine - http://members.shaw.ca/kelvsyc/cheatguide.html

The New Move List Cheat Collection - http://mamecheat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=6469

Underscore Command - What better game is there?
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