How to Relative Address Cheats work?

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How to Relative Address Cheats work?

Post by kelvSYC »

Needed for the Guide:

I need to know on a technical detail (ie. on the same level as other cheats) how an RAC determines the address from a base and an offset, and the significance of the different parts of an RAC.
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Post by ianpatt »

The cheat engine calculates the effective address by reading a value (usually 32 bits, but this can be changed in the cheat) from memory. The displacement/offset is then added to the read value, which becomes the effective address for the cheat.

Pseudocode again:

Code: Select all

UInt32 effectiveAddress;

effectiveAddress = Read(action->cpu, action->address, action->addressBytes);
effectiveAddress = effectiveAddress + action->offset;

return Read(action->cpu, effectiveAddress, action->bytes);
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