[ganryu] Ganryu/Musashi Ganryuki

This forum is for posting M.A.M.E. Work In Progress "Arcade"cheats that are not quite ready for the prime time. If the cheats are buggy or the cheat descriptions are non-standard then please post them here. Help maybe given but there are no guarantees and they will only be added to the cheat file when the cheat file maintainer is happy with them.
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[ganryu] Ganryu/Musashi Ganryuki

Post by jman »

Code: Select all

<cheat desc="no hit">
    <script state="on">
        <action>maincpu.rb@2db0c =       60</action> <!-- object -->
        <action>maincpu.rb@316fe =       60</action> <!-- trap -->
        <action>maincpu.rd@31728 = 6000ffcc</action> <!-- trap -->
    <script state="off">
        <action>maincpu.rb@2db0c =       67</action>
        <action>maincpu.rb@316fe =       66</action>
        <action>maincpu.rd@31728 = 4a6e0030</action>

<cheat desc="auto fire">
    <comment>you can't charge the power</comment>
    <script state="on">
        <action>maincpu.rb@34491 = 94</action>
    <script state="off">
        <action>maincpu.rb@34491 = 95</action>

<cheat desc="attack speed up">
    <comment>except chain attack</comment>
    <script state="on">
        <action>maincpu.rq@35350 = 4eb9000bc0003d45</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc000 = 42430c6e0002003e</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc008 = 6606e34836320000</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc010 = 4e75ffffffffffff</action>
        bc000 | 4243           : clr.w  D3
        bc002 | 0c6e 0002 003e : cmpi.w #$2,($3e,A6)
        bc008 | 6606           : bne    $bc010
        bc00a | e348           : lsl.w  #1,D0
        bc00c | 3632 0000      : move.w (A2,D0.w),D3
        bc010 | 4e75           : rts
    <script state="off">
        <action>maincpu.rq@35350 = e348363200003d45</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc000 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc008 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc010 = ffffffffffffffff</action>

<cheat desc="multiple jump">
    <script state="on">
        <action>maincpu.rq@318b0 = 4eb9000bc0204a6e</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc020 = 4a6e003e661a0839</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc028 = 0001001005946610</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc030 = 0839000500100595</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc038 = 67063d7c0001001e</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc040 = 302e001ee5484e75</action>
        bc020 | 4a6e 003e           : tst.w  ($3e,A6)
        bc024 | 661a                : bne    $bc040
        bc026 | 0839 0001 0010 0594 : btst   #$1,$100594.l
        bc02e | 6610                : bne    $bc040
        bc030 | 0839 0005 0010 0595 : btst   #$5,$100595.l
        bc038 | 6706                : beq    $bc040
        bc03a | 3d7c 0001 001e      : move.w #$1,($1e,A6)
        bc040 | 302e 001e           : move.w ($1e,A6),D0
        bc044 | e548                : lsl.w  #2,D0
        bc046 | 4e75                : rts
    <script state="off">
        <action>maincpu.rq@318b0 = 302e001ee5484a6e</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc020 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc028 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc030 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc038 = ffffffffffffffff</action>
        <action>maincpu.rq@bc040 = ffffffffffffffff</action>

<cheat desc="timer speed">
        <item value="0x0258">01 (slow)</item>
        <item value="0x012c">02       </item>
        <item value="0x0096">03       </item>
        <item value="0x004b">04       </item>
        <item value="0x0001">01 (fast)</item>
    <script state="change">
        <action>maincpu.rw@26c8 = param</action>
    <script state="off">
        <action>maincpu.rw@26c8 = 0096</action>
"attack speed up" doesn't work in "chain attack" (button C) because it has the problem of the game crash when you use "multiple jump" at the same time.
Also "multiple jump" doesn't work in attacking in jumping. This code is incompatible with "attack speed up" and has the same problem.

I omit "skip ram/rom check" because it has already posted here.
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