[kof98] [ROM Hack] What did you say your name was...?

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[kof98] [ROM Hack] What did you say your name was...?

Post by kelvSYC »

This is actually close to a ROM Hack rather than a cheat, so the label "[ROM Hack] has been added. As such, don't expect this to be in any cheat file (even when CheatScript is introduced and has the capability for you to enter in a string).

Most of you should know what ASCII is. For those of you who don't, there are a lot of resources.

The names of characters in KOF that appear are stored in ASCII in a fixed-length field (in uppercase), with some delimiter separating the fields. If the name is shorter than the field length, spaces are used to pad the length so that it fits the field.

Then, using your knowledge of ASCII and the following addresses that I provide, you can use the cheat engine to rename fields to your liking. (Unexpected results may occur if you insert a non-ASCII value, control character, etc)

Here are the starting addresses for the names of each character as they appear on the selection screen. The length of the field is 9 characters (enough to fit "ROULETTE?" perfectly). The first column denotes Player 1 (whose spaces are padded at the end) and the second column denotes Player 2 (whose spaces are padded at the beginning).

This information is inside yz98-p1.160, so it may differ in the clone. Still, knowing the ASCII code for "KYO" will simplify your search in the debugger a lot.

Code: Select all

Kyo         0B409D  0B4299
Benimaru    0B40A8  0B42A4
Daimon      0B40B3  0B42AF

Terry       0B40BE  0B42BA
Andy        0B40C9  0B42C5
Joe         0B40D4  0B42D0

Ryo         0B40DF  0B42DB
Robert      0B40EA  0B42E6
Yuri        0B40F5  0B42F1

Leona       0B4100  0B42FC
Ralf        0B410B  0B4307
Clark       0B4116  0B4312

Athena      0B4121  0B431D
Kensou      0B412C  0B4328
Chin        0B4137  0B4333

Chizuru     0B4142  0B433E
Mai         0B414D  0B4349
King        0B4158  0B4354

Kim         0B4163  0B435F
Chang       0B416E  0B436A
Choi        0B4179  0B4375

Yashiro     0B4184  0B4380
Shermie     0B418F  0B438B
Chris       0B419A  0B4396

Yamazaki    0B41A5  0B43A1
Mary        0B41B0  0B43AC
Billy       0B41BB  0B43B7

Iori        0B41C6  0B43C2
Mature      0B41D1  0B43CD
Vice        0B41DC  0B43D8

Heidern     0B41E7  0B43E3
Takuma      0B41F2  0B43EE
Saisyu      0B41FD  0B43F9

Heavy D!    0B4208  0B4404
Lucky       0B4213  0B440F
Brian       0B421E  0B441A

Rugal       0B4229  0B4425
Shingo      0B4234  0B4430

Roulette?   0B423F  0B443B
kelvSYC's Guide to the Cheat Engine - http://members.shaw.ca/kelvsyc/cheatguide.html

The New Move List Cheat Collection - http://mamecheat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=6469

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Post by kelvSYC »

This next batch of addresses are for the first character of the text that appears before the round begins (ie. before you do intros or the new character jumps onto the screen). The field is 18 characters long for those that use two lines (enough for two lines of eight characters and an 0x0D0A for a line break halfway in between - usually the first line is used for the given name and the second for the surname - for Kensou, Chin, Kim, Chang, and Choi it's the other way around), and 8 characters long for those that use one line (Leona, Ralf, Clark, King, Shermie, Chris, Mature, Vice, Heidern, Heavy D!, and Rugal).

P2's names are padded on the right in each line, while P1's names are padded on the left in each line.

Same warnings as above...

Code: Select all

Kyo         0B4965  0B45F7
Benimaru    0B497B  0B460D
Daimon      0B4991  0B4623

Terry       0B49A7  0B4639
Andy        0B49BD  0B464F
Joe         0B49D3  0B4665

Ryo         0B49E9  0B467B
Robert      0B49FF  0B4691
Yuri        0B4A15  0B46A7

Leona       0B4A2B  0B46BD
Ralf        0B4A37  0B46C9
Clark       0B4A43  0B46D5

Athena      0B4A4F  0B46E1
Kensou      0B4A65  0B46F7
Chin        0B4A7B  0B470D

Chizuru     0B4A91  0B4723
Mai         0B4AA5  0B4739
King        0B4ABD  0B474F

Kim         0B4AC9  0B475B
Chang       0B4ADF  0B4771
Choi        0B4AF5  0B4787

Yashiro     0B4B0B  0B479D
Shermie     0B4B21  0B47B3
Chris       0B4B2D  0B47BF

Yamazaki    0B4B39  0B47CB
Mary        0B4B4F  0B47E1
Billy       0B4B65  0B47F7

Iori        0B4B7B  0B480D
Mature      0B4B91  0B4823
Vice        0B4B9D  0B482F

Heidern     0B4BA9  0B483B
Takuma      0B4BB5  0B4847
Saisyu      0B4BCB  0B485D

Heavy D!    0B4BE1  0B4873
Lucky       0B4BED  0B487F
Brian       0B4C03  0B4895

Rugal       0B4C19  0B48AB
Shingo      0B4C25  0B48B7
kelvSYC's Guide to the Cheat Engine - http://members.shaw.ca/kelvsyc/cheatguide.html

The New Move List Cheat Collection - http://mamecheat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=6469

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Post by kelvSYC »

This next batch of addresses are the first character in the name that appears on the lifebar. Surprisingly, the characters are stored as lowercase...

Note that this field is only long enough to store the name of the character (ie. "Kyo" is only three letters long so you could only change it to a three-character name).

Apparently, now that I've checked (after reading about the details of the emulation and actually peering through the decrypted rom), these and other kof98 ROM cheats also works with the clone as well.

Code: Select all

Kyo         0B3EE1
Benimaru    0B3EE8
Daimon      0B3EF4

Terry       0B3EFE
Andy        0B3F07
Joe         0B3F0F

Ryo         0B3F16
Robert      0B3F1D
Yuri        0B3F27

Leona       0B3F2F
Ralf        0B3F38
Clark       0B3F40

Athena      0B3F49
Kensou      0B3F53
Chin        0B3F5D

Chizuru     0B3F65
Mai         0B3F70
King        0B3F77

Kim         0B3F7F
Chang       0B3F86
Choi        0B3F8F

Yashiro     0B3F97
Shermie     0B3FA2
Chris       0B3FAD

Yamazaki    0B3FB6
Mary        0B3FC2
Billy       0B3FCA

Iori        0B3FD3
Mature      0B3FDB
Vice        0B3FE5

Heidern     0B3FED
Takuma      0B3FF8
Saisyu      0B4002

Heavy D!    0B400C
Lucky       0B4018
Brian       0B4021

Rugal       0B402A
Shingo      0B4033
kelvSYC's Guide to the Cheat Engine - http://members.shaw.ca/kelvsyc/cheatguide.html

The New Move List Cheat Collection - http://mamecheat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=6469

Underscore Command - What better game is there?
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